The Future is Female – Women as Producers and Investors

Women were featured in all aspects of the Slow Money Food Funded investor fair held on SF Presidio grounds.

Of the three morning tracks offered, “The Future is Female” featured CEO Laura Dickinson,  CEO Alison Bailey Vercruysee and Venture Manager Lauren Pappas.  There they expanded on the fact that 70% of all food is grown by women; and why for this and other reasons women’s leadership is recognized as critical to success in the food industry.

Merril Gilbert of Mgilco, Inc. interviews Lara Dickinson – OSC2, Alison Bailey Vercruysse –18 Rabbits, Lauren Pappas – Black Acorn Ventures

“Companies make better decisions when their leadership includes women” cited Lara Dickinson.  Diversity is what success looks like. Women are rapidly growing out of their need to have all the answers before jumping in to fundraising and business creation.  Women are often more cautious and test their ideas and venture backers are learning that.  The Future is Female panel was proof of this

Food Funded made the same point, more than half of the 24 businesses featured at the investor fair where woman owned.